

时间:2024-10-05 04:13:02
东汉时期,班固在《汉书·地理志》中提到了上郡高奴县“有洧水,可燃”,这被认为是中国最早的石油记载。北宋的沈括在《梦溪笔谈》中首次使用了“石油”一词。中国古代对天然气的利用也有着悠久的历史,如《汉书》中的鸿门火井,以及晋代常璩的《华阳国志·蜀志》中对四川天然气的描述。在地质作用的认识方面,中国古代 already had an understanding of the role of water in geological processes, as evidenced by the Indian Vedas, the Greek works of Hesiod, and the Chinese tale of Yu the Greats control of the floods. Ancient China boasts one of the earliest records of an earthquake, documented in the "Bamboo Annals." In 132 AD, Zhang Heng invented the worlds first seismoscope, known as the候风地动仪. Descriptions of the transformation of land into sea can be found in Ge Hongs "Shenxian Zhuan" from the Jin Dynasty, which speaks of the "three turnings of东海 into farmland." The "Shi Jing" contains verses that describe the phenomenon of "high banks becoming valleys, and deep valleys becoming hills," reflecting movements within the Earths crust.关于地球的初步认识,古代学者普遍持有整体地球观,并探讨了万物的本原。中国的“阴阳说”和“五行说”是两种代表性的思想。其中,“五行说” first appears in writing in the "Classic of Changes," while the "metal" element in the五行 encompassed metals such as gold, silver, copper, and iron. Three influential hypotheses on the nature of the Earth emerged in ancient China: the Gai Tian theory, the Hun Tian theory, and the Xuan Ye theory. The Hun Tian theory gained significant development during the Han Dynasty, with Zhang Hengs creation of the Hun Tian Qian Shui instrument being a notable representation of this school of thought.
时间:2024-10-05 04:13:07
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