

时间:2024-08-18 00:24:46
1. "Bear" as a verb means to carry or support something. For example, "They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table."2. The verb "bear" can also mean to hold or carry, as in the phrase "constitutional right to bear arms," referring to the legal right to possess weapons.3. "Bear" can imply the ability to withstand or support weight, as in "The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men."4. The verb can also mean to have or carry a mark or feature, as in "The houses bear the marks of bullet holes."5. "Bear" can indicate enduring or tolerating something unpleasant, as seen in "He bore his sufferings manfully."6. To "bear" something can mean to tolerate or put up with someone or something, as in "I cant bear people who make judgments and label me."7. The verb can refer to the financial burden of something, as in "Patients should not have to bear the costs of their own treatment."8. "Bear" can suggest having a resemblance or relationship to something, as in "Their daily menus bore no resemblance whatsoever to what they were actually fed."9. The verb can mean to produce flowers or fruit, as in "As the plants grow and start to bear fruit, they will need a lot of water."10. To "bear" can also mean to give birth to a child, as in "Emma bore a son called Karl."
时间:2024-08-18 00:24:46
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